Gender Equity Plan


Recognizing the importance of gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in achieving this goal, KGA is committed to actively promoting these values in all aspects of its operations. This Gender Equity Plan outlines specific actions, targets, and timelines to achieve gender equality within KGA, addressing areas such as recruitment, career progression, equal pay, work-life balance, and representation at all levels.


KGA’s Gender Equity Plan is built upon three core objectives:

  1. Promote Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: Foster a culture that values gender equality and works to eliminate gender-based discrimination, bias, and barriers.
  2. Achieve Gender Balance: Ensure at least 40% representation of women and individuals from marginalized gender identities in the Board of Directors and other leadership positions.
  3. Transparency and Accountability: Regularly publish data on gender representation, pay equity, and other relevant metrics.

Action Plan


Objective: Increase the representation of women and other underrepresented genders in all roles within KGA.


  • KGA commits to the allocation of dedicated resources and expertise to implement this GEP. A Chief Diversity Officer will be appointed to oversee the implementation, monitoring, and continuous improvement of gender equity initiatives. Additionally, a gender equality function will be established within the organisation to support the ongoing development and execution of this plan.
  • KGA will implement gender-neutral job descriptions and advertisements to attract a diverse pool of applicants. By removing gendered language and emphasizing inclusivity, KGA aims to ensure that all potential candidates feel encouraged to apply.
  • The organization will partner with groups focused on advancing women in technology and industrial sectors. These partnerships will help KGA reach a broader and more diverse candidate pool.
  • To ensure unbiased hiring decisions, KGA will establish diverse hiring panels. These panels will include members from different backgrounds to provide various perspectives and mitigate unconscious biases.
  • KGA will track and report the gender composition of applicants and new hires. This data will be analyzed regularly to identify trends and areas for improvement.

Career Progression

Objective: Ensure equal opportunities for career advancement for all genders.


  • KGA will develop mentorship and sponsorship programs targeting women and underrepresented genders. These programs will connect employees with mentors who can provide guidance, support, and opportunities for growth.
  • Leadership training and professional development opportunities will be offered with a focus on gender equity. These programs will prepare employees of all genders for leadership roles within the organization.
  • Regular reviews of promotion practices will be conducted to ensure they are fair and transparent. KGA will analyze promotion data to identify and address any potential biases.
  • A transparent appeal, swift review and address process will be made available to every employee.

Equal Pay

 Objective: Achieve pay equity across all roles.


  • KGA will conduct annual pay audits to identify and address any gender pay gaps. These audits will compare salaries across similar roles and experience levels to ensure equitable compensation.
  • A standardized compensation framework will be implemented to ensure equal pay for equal work. This framework will provide clear guidelines for setting and reviewing salaries.
  • KGA will transparently report on pay equity metrics in its annual transparency report. This report will provide stakeholders with insight into the organization’s efforts to achieve pay equity.

Work-Life Balance

Objective: Support all employees in achieving a healthy work-life balance.


  • Flexible working arrangements and parental leave policies will be introduced to support employees in balancing their professional and personal lives. These policies will include options for remote work, flexible hours, and extended leave for new parents.
  • KGA will provide resources and support for work-life integration to help employees manage their responsibilities and well-being.
  • Regular surveys will be conducted to assess employee satisfaction with work-life balance. Based on the survey results, KGA will adjust policies and programs to better meet employees’ needs.

Representation at All Levels

Objective: Ensure gender balance in leadership and decision-making roles.


  • KGA will actively seek qualified women candidates for Board of Directors positions to meet the 40% representation requirement. Recruitment efforts will focus on identifying and encouraging talented women and individuals from underrepresented gender identities to join the board and take on leadership roles.
  • Succession planning will prioritize diversity to ensure a pipeline of diverse leaders. KGA will develop strategies to prepare women and underrepresented genders for future leadership roles.
  • The nomination and selection processes for leadership positions will be reviewed and adjusted to ensure fairness and transparency. KGA will implement best practices to mitigate biases and promote diversity.

Training and Awareness

Objective: Foster a gender-inclusive culture through continuous education and awareness.


  • KGA will organize annual training on gender equality, unconscious bias, and respectful behaviour for all members, directors, and employees. These training sessions will raise awareness and provide tools to promote a gender-inclusive environment.
  • Awareness campaigns will be conducted to promote gender diversity and inclusion. These campaigns will highlight the importance of gender equity and showcase KGA’s commitment to these values.
  • Resources and tools will be provided to support gender-inclusive practices. KGA will develop and share guidelines, best practices, and educational materials to help employees embrace diversity and inclusion.

Transparency and Monitoring

 Objective: Maintain accountability through regular reporting and evaluation.


  • KGA will publish an annual transparency report detailing gender representation, pay equity, and other relevant metrics. This report will provide stakeholders with a clear view of the organization’s progress and areas for improvement.
  • The Chief Diversity Officer will oversee the preparation of the transparency report and its approval by the Board of Directors. This ensures that the report is accurate, comprehensive, and aligned with KGA’s goals.
  • The effectiveness of the Gender Equity Plan will be periodically reviewed, and necessary amendments will be proposed. KGA will continuously evaluate its strategies and make adjustments to enhance gender equity.

Governance and Oversight

Objective: Ensure effective implementation and continuous improvement of the Gender Equality Plan.


  • The Chief Diversity Officer will oversee the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan. This role will ensure that the plan’s actions and initiatives are carried out effectively.
  • The Board of Directors will periodically review the Plan’s effectiveness and propose amendments to the General Assembly. This review process will help KGA adapt its strategies to evolving needs and challenges.
  • The General Assembly will review and adapt the gender representation provisions as needed. This ensures that KGA’s commitment to gender equity remains relevant and impactful.

Timeline and Targets

  • Immediate (within 6 months):
    • Establish policies regarding gender neutrality and gender equity in the KGA charter regarding recruitment, equal pay, and representation at all levels.
    • Recruit Chief Diversity Officer
  • Short-term (6-12 months):
    • Establish internal training, mentorship and sponsorship for helping women and individuals from underrepresented gender identities in their careers.
    • Start collaboration with professional and technical organizations for women in engineering and science.
    • Establish a committee for review and mitigation of issues related to gender equity.
  • Medium-term (1-2 years):
    • Achieve at least 40% women representation on the Board of Directors.
    • Fully establish governance and oversight for all concerns of gender equity.
    • Conduct annual survey, and evaluation and publish the first report on gender equity.
  • Long-term (2-5 years):
    • Maintain gender balance in leadership and decision-making roles.
    • Continuously improve policies and practices based on regular reviews and feedback.


KGA’s commitment to gender equity is integral to its mission and vision. By implementing this Gender Equity Plan, KGA aims to create an inclusive environment that empowers all individuals to contribute to the advancement of semantic knowledge graphs and the industrial sector as a whole. The Chief Diversity Officer, in collaboration with the Board of Directors, will ensure the successful implementation and continuous improvement of this plan.